Call for papers

Artificial intelligence is progressing ever faster with new applications and results that would not be possible only a few years ago. At the same time, hardware security is becoming increasingly important for embedded systems applications as hardware devices implementing both, cryptographic functions and AI algorithms are at the core of security systems.
In recent years, the connection between AI and hardware security is becoming more prominent and important. This comes as a natural consequence of the need to offer improved security in a more automated way. Yet, despite all the accomplishments and progress in this new field dealing with the interplay of AI and HW security, this process is not without its challenges. Examples of such challenges are the lack of explainability of results and not clear design choices in the selection of AI techniques.
With this workshop, we aim to connect researchers coming from both AI and security, academia and industry, to increase the understanding of AI in hardware security, but also to explore new applications where such techniques could bring improved security. We hope this workshop will become a standard event for researchers interested in AI and HW security to share their ideas and also improve the state-of-the-art in this challenging field.

Topics of the workshop

  • Side-channel attacks and countermeasures

  • Trustworthy manufacturing and testing of secure devices

  • Validation and evaluation methodologies for physical security

  • Reconfigurable devices for security

  • Hardware Trojans

  • Fault injection attacks

  • Physical Unclonable Function (PUFs)

  • Security of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • AI-assisted design cycle

  • AI-based cryptanalysis


We encourage researchers working on all aspects of AI and HW security to take the opportunity and use AIHWS to share their work and participate in discussions. The authors are invited to submit the papers using EasyChair submission system through submission link
Submitted papers must be written in English and be anonymous, as we follow the double-anonymized review process, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or any identifying citations. All submissions must follow the original LNCS format with a page limit of 18 pages, including references and possible appendices. Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format. The post-proceedings will be published in Springer’s LNCS series. Every accepted paper must have at least one author registered for the workshop.
There will be an ACNS best workshop paper award (with 500 EUR prize sponsored by Springer), to be selected from the accepted papers of all workshops.

Important dates (AoE)

EXTENDED submission deadline!

Workshop paper submission deadline: March 23, 2025

previously March 7, 2025

Workshop paper notification: April 23, 2025

Camera-ready papers for pre-proceedings: May 12, 2025

Workshop date: June 25, 2025

(in parallel with the main conference)

ACNS Springer LNCS



Organizing Committee

Technical Program Committee

Nikolaos Alachiotis, University of Twente

Debapriya Basu Roy, IIT Kanpur

Durba Chaterjee, Radboud University

Dirmanto Jap, Nanyang Technological University

Maria Mendez Real, UBS

Kostas Papagiannopoulos, Radboud University

Stjepan Picek, Radboud University

Vincent Verneuil, NXP Semiconductors

Lichao Wu, TU Darmstadt

Web Chair

Marina Krček, Radboud University, NL

Questions about the workshop?
Contact Us